Learn the Billiards rules Xojili – A Complete Guide for Beginners

Billdard rules Xojili Online Casino

Billiards rules Xojili are something you cannot miss if you want to try this attractive sport for players. Let’s explore the following article to understand the basic and detailed rules of the game.

Everything about 15-hole billiards rules

After we have learned about the simple billiards rules before, the house will continue to provide some billiards rules Xojili for you to understand. This article will summarize all the details about how to play 15-hole billiards to help you become a proficient player.

Objectives and scoring in 15-hole billiards

On the table, there are a total of 15 target balls numbered from 1 to 15 and one black number 8 ball. Your task is to hit all your group of balls and then put the number 8 ball in the hole before your opponent to win.

Each holed target ball brings points corresponding to the number recorded on that ball. According to billiards rules Xojili, reaching 61 points or more is a condition to end the game.

How to arrange balls and limit areas in 15-hole billiards

Balls are arranged in a triangular pattern, starting from ball number 1 at the top and moving down. The opening shot requires hitting the cue ball on ball number 1.

The corner of the table has a triangle of lines that act as a shot limiter. Even if you hit consecutive scoring shots, it will only be counted if it is within this limit.

Opening shot and match progress

The opening shot requires hitting the cue ball on ball number 1. The shot must be legal to continue play. The match continues until one player reaches 61 points or someone commits a serious foul.

Cases of violating hole billiards rules and consequences

Violations will cause players to lose their turn and may affect the outcome of the match. Cases of violating the 15-hole billiards rules Xojili include:

  • Dropping balls off the table: Violation when hitting balls that fall off the table.
  • Feet do not touch the floor: It is illegal when the feet do not touch the floor while playing.
  • Improper technique: Violation when hitting the ball incorrectly.

The above basics and details help you master the rules of 15-hole billiards. Start your journey and experience the joy of the world of billiards today!

Billdard rules Xojili 15 holes for new players
Billdard rules Xojili 15 holes for new players

Detailed rules of playing billiards with smooth stripes

Slot billiards is another genre that attracts many players with its unique challenges. Below are instructions for the smooth-striped billiards rules Xojili, to help you understand and improve your playing skills.

Objectives and scoring in plain strip billiards

A plain striped billiards match has 16 balls, including 15 object balls numbered from 1 to 15 and a black number 8 ball. The player must put all his balls in the hole and finally hit the 8 balls to win. You can play groups of balls (striped or plain) without calling them out clearly.

How to arrange the balls and the opening shot in plain strip billiards

The balls are arranged in a triangular table like 15-ball billiards. However, there is no distinction between striped and plain marbles in this ranking. The winner of the previous game will make the opening shot in the next game.

Legal strokes and order of play

In the smooth-striped billiards rules Xojili, the shot must put the balls in the hole or at least have some balls touch the ice. The winner of the previous game or the player who plays the opening shot will continue to play their shots in order.

Illegal shot and violation of billiards rules

If a player makes an illegal shot, the shot is not replaced or reset and the play passes to the opponent. Violations of the rules of the game will cause players to lose their turn and may affect the match outcome if the error is serious.

Slot billiards not only require accuracy in shots but also require players to have tactics and strategic thinking. Start your journey, practice a lot and you will become an excellent billiards player!

Tips for new players of hole billiards

There are many genres of billiards game models, but they all have certain general rules to help players easily win. Below are tips to help you enjoy your playing experience and progress quickly in the fascinating world of billiards.

Understand the billiards rules Xojili

First and foremost, understand the rules of billiards. Read carefully and follow the basic steps such as how to arrange balls, and how to calculate points or order of play. Practice is the key to improving your technique, set aside regular time to hit the cue, this will help you get used to the feel and control of the ball.

Choose the right billiards stick

Tips for new players of hole billiards Xojili
Tips for new players of hole billiards Xojili

Choose a club that suits your height and playing style. The correct stick will help you more easily control the ball. Besides, being confident and focusing on the main goal also helps you maintain patience and win the match.

Learn every day

There are always tips and experiences that veteran players will share. Listen and learn from them. Social networks and billiards forums are good places for you to connect with the community, ask questions, and share experiences.


This article not only provides solid knowledge about billiards rules Xojili but is also a useful source of information for those who want to become excellent players. Please refer to each section and learn to start your journey in the challenging but no less exciting world of Jun88 entertainment. Wishing you a successful and enjoyable billiards career!
